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Dermatology & Trichology

Dermatology is our heritage offering, leveraging our technology’ unique prerogatives to provide patients with medical-grade cosmetic/dermatologic and trichologic treatments.

Since 1981, Espansione Group has delivered the highest standard in the industry—pushed on by expert craftsmanship and family-owned values with a global mindset and aspiration. Every day, we invest heavily in researching and developing the Espansione Ecosystem of technologies and solutions to achieve our ambition.

We specialize in skin and hair treatments, covering from anti-aging and impure skin solutions to trichology therapies aimed at preventing hair loss and promoting thickness. Through our cutting-edge LM® LLLT technology we are pioneering industry standards.


Our technology is at the very core of the Espansione Ecosystem—leveraging the power of light and its outstanding ability to benefit the human condition. LM® LLLT has set a new medical standard in painlessly and effectively treating the majority of ocular surface conditions, on top of being extremely effective in its dermatology/trichology applications.


Our patented technology is seamlessly built into all our solutions, designed, crafted and tested with the greatest attention and care in Italy.

Throughout the years, esteemed researchers have underscored the importance of Espansione's Light Modulation® LLLT through numerous publications.
The LM® LLLT's non-invasive nature and minimal side effects have expanded its global applications across various medical conditions.
Its efficacy in addressing dermatologic and trichologic conditions such as wrinkles, scars, acne, and hair loss gaining significant attention, offering a promising alternative to conventional therapies.

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