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Posterior Segment

AMD—leading cause of irreversible blindness in the developed world

Normal vision
Macular degeneration


Million People
Will be Affected by 2040

Dry AMD, which is also known as the atrophic or non-exudative form, represents the majority of AMD cases, accounting for about 90% of diagnoses.


Our groundbreaking LM®LLLT technology represents a promising solution to slow down the progression of dAMD.

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a light energy-based technology that stimulates cellular repair and regeneration, offering a promising avenue for dry AMD treatment, especially for AMD stages in the AREDS 3 and lower classifications.

LM® LLLT (PBM) is an established and non-invasive technology with thousand of published articles detailing its cellular mechanism and effects in a variety of medical conditions. Recently it has been proved to be effective to slow dAMD progression, safeguard vision, and enhance patients’ quality of life.

As age advances, AMD worsens due to an increase of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), damaging the retina. Mitochondria, the primary ROS source, are crucial. PBM targets mitochondrial dysfunction, boosting ATP and reducing oxidative stress, slowing dAMD progression and supporting retinal health.

The findings from our LightWave I study,recently published on Ophthalmology and Therapy1 journal, represent the first multi-center randomized controlled trial investigating PBM treatment in dAMD.
The results are exceptionally promising, demonstrating both the efficacy and safety of PBM in managing dAMD, and marking a significant breakthrough in the treatment of this challenging condition.

1 Borrelli, E., Coco, G., Pellegrini, M. et al. Safety, Tolerability, and Short-Term Efficacy of Low-Level Light Therapy for Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmol Ther (2024).

Visual Acuity Improvement
Contrast Sensitivity Improvement
Central Drusen Volume Reduction
Completely Painless Therapy

A technology
Like no other.

Operators and patients can enjoy the unique benefits of LM® LLLT technology.

① It’s fast—a treatment lasts 12’
② It’s painless
③ It’s easy and safe
④ It’s plug&play—requires minimal training

All-in-one power house

Discover eye-light®, our cutting-edge solution for anterior and posterior segment conditions.

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